Our Commitment
At Electus, we believe our customers have the right to transparent, and fair treatment in their dealings with us. In the unfortunate event where you have a complaint, we want to know about it so we can put things right as quickly as possible and understand what went wrong. Electus is committed to providing a simple and accessible complaint management process and to resolving complaints in an efficient and fair manner.
Complaint Policy
Electus values all feedback, including complaints and recognises it as an opportunity to improve our products and services. This document sets out our principles and process for the handling of complaints we receive about our products and services.
Electus defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about our services, people, or the handling of a complaint where a resolution is expected or legally required.
Our Approach
Customer Focused
We are committed to seeking and receiving feedback about our products and services and ensuring complainants views are heard and considered in a meaningful way.
Accessible and Visible
We will provide our complaints policy on our website and publish information on how complaints can be made via a number of channels.
We will support and assist people to raise complaints and be flexible in how complaints can be made.
We do not charge a fee for making a complaint.
We will acknowledge complaints promptly and aim to resolve at first contact where possible.
We will set expectations upfront on expected resolution time and inform complainants promptly where we think there may be a delay.
Objective and Fair
We will handle all complaints in an objective and unbiased manner.
We will ensure that the person handling a complaint is different from any team member whose conduct is being complained about.
We will assess each complaint on its merits and involve people making complaints and/or their representative in the process as fair as possible.
Communicate and Resolve
We will provide contact details to allow you to follow up on your complaint and will communicate each step of the way as your complaint is investigated.
We will provide a clear explanation and determine an appropriate remedy that is fair and reasonable to you and Electus.
Accountability and Learning
We clearly define roles, and all team members are responsible for their part of the complaint management process. We monitor and report on all complaints and use it to review and improve our performance, service, and processes.
Our people undertake regular training on the importance of feedback to Electus and our complaint handling policy.
We undertake reviews and audits of the complaint management system to assess adherence to this policy and overall effectiveness and are committed to implementing appropriate changes arising out of our reviews.
Submitting Complaints
We provide several ways to provide to make a complaint. You can lodge a complaint with us via web, phone, or in writing.
By phone: Contact us on 1300 738 555 (Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm)
On our website: Complete our complaints form by submitting a request online
Mail: Submit complaints in writing to PO Box 3577, Rhodes NSW 2138 Australia
Your Requirements
There are a few things you can provide to assist us in reviewing your complaint efficiently, including:
- a clear description of your complaint;
- your desired outcome;
- your contact information and preferred method of contact; and
- any special requirements you have or any support needs.
We request that people raising a complaint treat our people with courtesy and respect and allow Electus enough time to resolve the complaint.
Our Process
Our complaint management process is designed to ensure your feedback, including complaints are managed objectively, efficiently, and fairly.
Acknowledging your complaint
We will acknowledge your complaint in the below timeframes:
Online: Immediately
Call/Email: Within 1 business day
Other: Within 2 business days
We will typically do this by the same method you used to contact us or via your preferred method of contact if provided. We will provide you with a complaint reference number and an expectation of the timeframe to resolve.
Initial Assessment
When you lodge a complaint with us, we will complete a review to confirm that the complaint is within our control, consider the outcome sought and assess the severity and urgency of the complaint.
We aim to resolve your complaint on first contact, and if this is not possible, we will undertake an investigation into your complaint. We will reach out to you if we require any additional information during our investigation. The time we spend investigating a complaint will depend on its seriousness and complexity, but we aim to resolve all complaints within 10 business days.
We will keep you up to date as the investigation progresses and will advise if we believe additional time is required to resolve.
Following consideration of the complaint and any investigation into the issues raised, we will contact you with the outcome of the complaint, any actions that we took and any proposed remedy or resolutions.
Further Investigation
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or are unhappy with the way your complaint has been handled, you can request that your complaint is escalated internally.
You can also request escalation if you are unhappy with the progress or handling of your complaint prior to resolution.
Upon receiving your request to escalate, we will contact you to confirm the review and timeframe.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, we will inform you about your options for external review.
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