If you are going to install the LA5900 Concord 4G+Wi-Fi Smart Alarm in a location without Wi-Fi, and plan on just using a 4G SIM card for alarm notifications and arming control, you will still need to initially set up the system using Wi-Fi. Either do the setup at a location with Wi-Fi and then move the Alarm to its final location, or a second mobile phone acting as a temporary Wi-Fi hotspot can be used at the final Alarm location to do setup and any subsequent configuration changes.
Important: make sure the SIM you want to use in the Alarm is active, by putting it in a phone and making a call/sending a test SMS to another phone. Telcos sometimes require a phone to connect to their network at least once before they activate the SIM. The SIM does not need to have data included, only calls and SMS are required.
How to use a temporary hotspot phone to setup the Alarm
- Turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot on the second phone, note the hotspot name and password.
- Connect your phone's Wi-Fi to the second phone's Wi-Fi hotspot.
- Test that the internet is working on your phone (if not, check 1 & 2 were done successfully).
- On the panel, reset the panel by typing 1234*3#
- Wait a bit then press * for 5 seconds and Wi-Fi symbol on the top-left should start to flash.
- On your phone, open the Tuya App.
- The App may pop up a notification to add the Alarm - accept this, enter the hotspot Wi-Fi password, and complete it.
- If it does not pop-up a notification, go to + Add Device, then Add Manually -> Sensors - > Wi-Fi Alarm, follow the prompts to choose the hotspot phone's Wi-Fi and enter the hotspot password. Select the Fast Flashing option, and the Alarm should appear and can be connected.
- Once you've completed the connection, to setup numbers for SMS and calls, select the Alarm in the home page, go to the Settings cog
- Then go to Store Alarm Phone Numbers
- Enter your mobile phone number (e.g. 0411111111) that you want to be called and SMSed to when the alarm is tripped. The top two sections must be set up with at least one phone number. Press Save when done.
- Go to bottom of the Settings page and click on the last option: Phone Number of Alarm System
- Enter the Alarm's SIM card phone number, otherwise it will keep popping up a request for that. Press Save when done.
You can now disable the second phone's hotspot Wi-Fi and test the alarm. The App will say the Alarm is offline, but when tripped with no Wi-Fi, it sends SMS and then calls, sending audio from the panel microphone.
When on Wi-Fi, you can use the App buttons to interact with the Alarm. When on 4G only, you can use your phone to send the Alarm's SIM phone number SMS messages to remotely Arm (1234#1) or Disarm (1234#0) it - setting up the phone numbers above is required to enable this, so the Alarm knows what phone numbers are authorised to control it.
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